Ted Smith Later this month the federal government must enact laws allowing patients to grow their own supply of cannabis, as per the Federal Court of Canada decision handed down in the Allard injunction on Feb 24. Many patients have been left without the ability to grow their own medicine for years waiting for the […]
Judith Stamps There is no demon weed, but there are demons that plague our personal and social conversations on cannabis. Here are a few. Eight Logical Fallacies 1. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc, called ‘post hoc’ for short. In English: after this, therefore because of this. In real life it looks like this: Oscar used […]
By Ted Smith It is with great pleasure that we announce that five intervenors have been accepted by the Supreme Court of Canada in the March 20 hearing of Owen Smith. One of the applications is actually a joint submission by three organizations working together, the Canadian AIDS Society, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and […]