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Extraction and Concentrates Panel at the CHCE 2017

Cannabis Hemp Conference and Expo (CHCE)
The NEST, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
May 6-7th, 2017

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Extraction and Concentrates Panel at Cannabis Hemp Conference and Expo, Vancouver, Canada, 2017

Esteemed Panelists:

AC Braddock-CEO of Eden Labs, the industry’s most innovative and respected extraction technology company and a career entrepreneur.

Matthew A. Ellis-President and Lead Designer at ExtractionTek Solutions located in Denver, Colorado. He is widely recognized as the expert on hydrocarbon extraction equipment for the cannabis industry.

Marcus “Bubbleman” Richardson is a pioneer in the field of medical Cannabis, as well as an entrepreneur, macro photographer, and founder of Freshheadies, Ltd., which sells the highest quality water extraction system available.


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