Ted Smith With the legalization of cannabis just around the corner in Canada, there is a great deal to discuss. Giving stakeholders an opportunity to debate various points regarding the use, production and distribution of cannabis should contribute to the public discourse. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the International Hempology 101 Society will begin hosting […]
Tag: law
A Word to the Cannabis Medicine Makers
A Word to the Cannabis Medicine Makers: My Talk to the Vancouver Island Chapter of Women Grow Judith Stamps Much is heard today about the practice of networking. Business and tech magazines encourage us to network. Networking helps us to find useful associates and ways to boost our products in the marketplace. If we wish […]
What the Judge Said on Patients’ Rights, and What Health Canada Can Do Next
What the Judge Said on Patients’ Rights, and What Health Canada Can Do Next Judith Stamps Canadians who are ill, and who believe they are obtaining relief from cannabis, have a constitutionally protected right to grow their own medicine. So said Justice Michael Phelan of the BC Federal Court on February 24 2016. At least […]
8 Challenges to Opening a Cannabis Dispensary
Jamie Shaw (Article previously appeared at Canlio.com) I’ve been asked a few times to tackle a piece on how to start a medical cannabis dispensary. I finally agreed, then thought about it for a bit, and nope. Not gonna do it. Dispensaries are still illegal (to what level depends on where in North America you […]
Cannabis in Ireland–Part 3 – Luke “Ming the Merciless” Flanagan
(This is Part 3 of the series on Cannabis in Ireland Read Parts 1 and 2 Here) Owen Smith Many individuals and groups have contributed to change the minds and hearts of the Canadian public and their political representatives. It is because of the actions of these people that Canada is now preparing to […]
Extract Trial: BC Court of Appeal
(image CKNW) Many of the arguments presented to the BC Court of Appeal were recently repeated in Ottawa before the Supreme Court of Canada. You can watch the footage of the SCC hearing online HERE. The Court shortly after ruled in our favor in a Unanimous 7-0 Decision, read about it HERE By Owen Smith After the morning session […]
Election Canada: Green Party and The NDP
Political Movements in Canada, and Why It Is So Difficult to Judge the Leaders By Judith Stamps To borrow a phrase from Harper, let’s be clear. From Confederation onward, ruling parties in Canada have dealt inadequately with First Nations, racism, and child poverty. Since the 1980s they have, in addition, dealt inadequately with affordable […]
RvSmith Fundraising Wrap-up
By Owen Smith The long road of trials that made up the six year RvSmith constitutional challenge was about as successful as such a legal quest can be. The Supreme Court of Canada delivered a landmark ruling that affirmed patients rights to choose a logically safer form of their medicine. I was found not guilty and the […]
Cannabis and the Federal Leadership Debates
By Judith Stamps Last Thursday, August 6, 2015, the leaders of Canada’s four major political parties participated in a debate hosted by MacLean’s Magazine. Canada has just entered its 42nd federal election campaign; the election is set for Monday, October 19. It’s an important election for the cannabis community; patients hope for a better deal […]
Reasonable Regulations for Cannabis, Can they Exist?
A Prologue to Reasonable Regulations for Cannabis, If Such Things Can Exist By Judith Stamps On Sunday, July 19, 2015, Conscious Living Network, a volunteer-based society in Vancouver BC, hosted its first Cannabis Conference. The panel on cannabis policy was mildly polarized: activist Marc Emery expressed the view that there should be no regulations for […]