Those who have known me for many years are aware that I have consistently advocated for major reforms to Canada’s drug laws. The current perception of drug users as faceless criminals needs to shift to include neighbours, co-workers, and family members. As patients, individuals require access to cannabis for legitimate medicinal purposes and/or compassionate health […]
Tag: Politics
Cannabis Politics in BC: Local Government Takes the Lead
On May 14 2015, under the direction of Mayor Lisa Helps, Victoria City Council voted to follow Vancouver City Council’s lead and regulate medical cannabis dispensaries as legitimate, taxable Victoria businesses. Over the next few weeks, in conjunction with the city’s legislative and regulatory offices, city police, and senior members of the cannabis […]
Political Pandering
(Image: Political Pandering) Lets start this blog with simple confession. I hate politics. Passionately. Politics is a representation of everything I truly despise about humanity. Fakery. Trickery. Shallowness. False impressions. Telling people what they want to hear. False honesty. Mass Manipulation. Propaganda. The political world is a real departure from reality that regular people face […]
Editor’s opinion: political thoughts for 2015
Editor’s anti-dote to the post holiday blues…political thoughts. By Judith Stamps Totally My Opinion: Conundrums To Consider For 2015. 1. This may well be the last issue of Cannabis Digest before the next Canadian federal election…if, that is, there is to be a spring election. Evidence for an early election: Conservative Senator Mike Duffy’s trial […]
The Greens on Marijuana Legalization
(image: Editors Notes: Interview from Nov 2010: Bill S-10 has since passed into law and Elizabeth May now sits in parliament as the first and only Green member) An Interview with Elizabeth May Cannabis Digest: Do you know anything about Hempology 101 in Victoria, or what we do as an organization? […]
How the NDP missed its chance to come out strong on marijuana, and why it’s not too late to make it right By Dana Larsen For four decades, the NDP was the standard-bearer for sensible marijuana laws. From the time of the LeDain Commission report of 1971, it was the most progressive voice in Parliament […]
UK Drug Policy Slow to Shift
High Cannabis Digesters!! First off, one of the good pieces of news to digest is the release of Marc Emery, the Prince of Pot, after almost 5 years incarcerated in a land he was not allowed to visit on his own. It is great to see him and his wife Jodie reunited. They are now […]
Advertising Marijuana II: Political Distortions in Canada and the US
With Seven Thoughts of the Day Thought One. ADS CAN BE DIRECT OR INDIRECT. INDIRECT ADS INCLUDE SAMPLES, FREE GIFTS, FREE TRIPS, PACKAGING, DÉCOR, AND SIGNS ON VANS 1. LIES. One form of advertising is packaging. In 2011, marijuana opponents in Colorado, aided by The Colorado Drug Investigation Association, tried to pass a bill prohibiting […]
Cannabis in Costa Rica – Part 3
What will the new law look like? In the previous blogs I gave my personal impression of prohibition in Costa Rica and I looked at the likelihood that the Costa Rica Medicinal Cannabis Movement would succeed in their attempts to trigger a referendum to legalize medical cannabis. If they gather all of the signatures they […]
Jamaican Culture vs. Legislation
The Decriminalization of Small Quantities of Ganja Is a Must By Robert Gordon (Ras Kahleb) All throughout Jamaica’s roughly 360-year history under the British Westminster constitutional system, the Cannabis culture has been suppressed, and those who have indulged in it badly oppressed. It is the view of a few that, on some slave plantations […]