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HC Hustle; Concentrated Oil and Vapor Lounges (EP 012)

The Health Canada Hustle; Concentrated Cannabis Oil; Toronto Vapor Lounges and more from the Cannabis Digest this week November 29nd – December 5th, 2014

with Owen Smith

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Al Graham

part of a new commercial industry—a business that caters to consumers in a way to allow them to consume cannabis indoors, for either medicinal or recreational use. This is known as the Vapor Lounge business.

Visiting Vapor Lounges in Toronto – Cannabis Digest




Dan Beer

“the ornery agency finally posted on their website this week a list of 20 Licensed Producers who were in violation of the NCR and FDA as it pertains to marketing/advertising.”

The Grand HC Hustle – Cannabis Digest




Judith Stamps

“For Steven Hager, Cannabis Cults stand at the centre of many major religions, the Herb recognized at one time as the greatest medicine and healer”

Steven Hager’s Temple Dragons: Transformative Security in the Age of Cannabis Activism




Ted Smith

One of the most wonderful things my love, Gayle Quin, has created is Poppy-pot. Now most of you have never heard of Poppy-pot because we have never sold it and it only seems to be available once a year. We are about to change that.


Holiday Cannabis Treats: Poppy-Pot Now! – Cannabis Digest




Owen Smith

“Concentrated cannabis oil has received a lot of attention recently through the work of advocates like Rick Simpson with cancer patients and the recent discovery that it can help children with life-threatening seizures.”

Making Concentrated Cannabis Oils – Cannabis Digest




Diane Walsh

Hemp paper does not turn yellow, disintegrate, or decompose easily over time as tree paper does. Its recycle use is, seven to eight times over, while recycle use for tree paper is only three times.

Barriers to Hemp Production Crumpling – Cannabis Digest


Owen Smith
Owen has been writing for the Cannabis Digest since 2009, covering a wide range of topics related to medical cannabis. Owen’s articles are closely related to his constitutional challenge to legalized cannabis edibles extracts and oils. He is the founder of Ethical Growth Consulting

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