Cannabis Digest Issue #44
Tag: Issue
Updates, Warnings and Suggestions #43
by Ted Smith Well it appears as though I will be writing the “Updates, Etc.” article in each issue now, taking over from my love, Gayle Quin, who is struggling with her health. She will continue writing a personal note with each issue. (Ted and Gayle coloured Issue 42 of the Cannabis Digest) This newspaper […]
Nanaimo Criminology Professor Explains LEAP
By Blair Hedley John Anderson, a professor of Criminology at Vancouver Island University, was recently made the Nanaimo area speaker for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. I got in touch with him in late November and he told me all about it. To start with, what exactly are a LEAP speaker’s duties? Well, I think […]
Halloweed Antics!
(Ted Smith and Gayle Quin) There is no better time for the average cannabis smoker to come out of the closet than Halloween. This can be done in any number of ways, even if you do not have a cannabis event to attend. The possibilities are endless. One does not even need to consume cannabis […]
The Cannabis Digest is Growing Again
Ted Smith Bigger and better than ever, the Cannabis Digest is evolving as we all watch the cannabis industry explode around the world. In fact we could have even tried to make the last issue 32 instead of 28 pages but we actually forgot to put several of our advertisers in the paper, for which we […]
Welcome Home Marc!
He is finally back in Canada. After serving a 5 year sentence for selling seeds, Marc Emery has been released and just spent his first night back on Canadian soil. His wife Jodie is obviously thrilled, as their future looks pretty green. No one can predict how much fame and fortune Marc will acquire now. […]
Possession Charges Rise; Trafficking Plummets
By Ted Smith In a recent report, Statistics Canada has revealed numbers that show law enforcement is failing to catch cannabis suppliers, while they continue to focus on the easy prey, pot smokers. Last year police arrested 1% more citizens for possessing cannabis than they did in 2012. However, in the same time period there […]
Local Kid Cannabis Gets No Credit
By Ted Smith for the Cannabis Digest Rarely does an opportunity to act in a feature film fall into your lap. It is almost impossible then to be asked to virtually play yourself in the movie, even getting to introduce yourself, using your real name in your own place of business. An illegal business, to […]
Updates, Warnings and Suggestions, Issue 41
By Gayle Quin What a beautiful spring we have had. Thanks, Mother Nature, for making up for a horrible winter. My heart was full of empathy for all of you living in the East. I hope your summer shines bright on your gardens and on your lives. I have greatly missed seeing all of the […]
Updates, Warnings, and Suggestions
First off—WOW! Issue number 40. This feels more exciting than my 40th birthday will! It has been a great pleasure and joy to be able to contribute over the years. There have most certainly been a lot of changes, and more are on the way. I can finally say with conviction: “the end is near. […]