Lisa Kirkman Battles in Alberta; Life After Cannabis Legalization; The NDP’s Marijuana Mistake and more from the Cannabis Digest this week October 18th – 24th, 2014
with Owen Smith
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Oct 18th
By Dean Schwind
Lisa “MamaKind’ Kirkman takes on the Alberta Health Services in one of the many quiet battles in the war on marijuana ignorance and prohibition in Canada
Lisa ‘MamaKind’ Kirkman Versus Alberta – Cannabis Digest
Lisa has been licensed medical marijuana user since 2009. She has severe osteoarthritis and, because of a gastric bypass, is unable to medicate by mouth with opiates or other pain medications. Thus, Lisa has been vaporizing cannabis medicines with the full support of her doctors. She is in constant pain. Until March 2014 and the infamous memo from by AHS, she was vaporizing in the hospital as she needed to with support of her doctors and nurses.
Oct 19
By Ted Smith
Hemp was being grown in the early 1600s, with different states like Virginia and Connecticut writing laws forcing every farm to grow it.
Hemp in the Early United States – Cannabis Digest
Oct 20th
By Judith Stamps
Judith Stamps looks into how Indian Hemp Drugs Commission (IHDC) and mental health influenced modern prohibition.
Marijuana and Lunacy: The Magnificent Failure of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission – Cannabis Digest
James H Mills’ work: Cannabis Britannica: Empire, Trade and Prohibition
The IHDC remains to this day lengthiest, most thorough investigation into cannabis use ever conducted. Considering the status of its imperial publisher, one would have expected it to be influential. Yet it had little impact.
Ganja, lunacy and criminality
Oct 21st
By Dana Larsen
“How the NDP missed its chance to come out strong on marijuana, and why it’s not too late to make it right”
Oct 22nd
By Ted Smith
Ted Smith reflects on his interview with Cheech and Chong, unquestionably the most well-known potheads on the planet
Are Cheech and Chong Still Smokin’? – Cannabis Digest
Personally, I take cannabis very seriously. I have seen this plant save lives. I see it ease suffering and improve moods every day. I know the potential it has for agricultural communities. I have seen the frustration caused by prohibition.
Oct 23rd
By Owen Smith
For those who find that synthetic THC pills, inhalation, or chewing whole raw cannabis doesn’t suffice to alleviate their suffering, the MMPR has failed.
How Can We Regulate Cannabis Extracts? – Cannabis Digest
Oct 24th
By Dean Shwind
Imagine Ms. Johnson from next door leaning over the fence to comment, “My, your Sativa looks the bomb dear, and those tomatoes are huge”!
8 things for Marijuana Activists to do after Legalization – Cannabis Digest