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Jah Bless You Healthy Cannabis


 by Ted Smith

To the tune of “God bless you merry gentlemen”


Jah bless you health-y can-na-bis,

let free-dom pave your way,

Re-mem-ber Ter-ry Park-er,

Was cleared one hap-py day,

To save us all from leg-al troub-les,

And stop the war some-day.

O, Tidings of cookies and buds, cookies and buds,

O, Tidings of cookies and buds.




In Vic-tor-ia Can-a-da,

This glorious plant is grown,

And all the health-y ben-e-fits,

Are still not ful-ly known,

Though we will find the plants true pow-er,

As more and more is sown.

O, tidings of cookies and buds, cookies and buds,

O, tidings of cookies and buds.




From Jah our earth-ly heal-er,

A bless-ed green plant came,

And when made into cook-ies,

Brought health to all the lame,

The ill-ness-es that pot can help,

Are too man-y to name.

O, tidings of cookies and buds, cookies and buds,

O, tidings of cookies and buds.




The peo-ple love their can-na-bis,

They cel-e-brate each fall,

And bring their buds and cook-ies,

To share with one and all,

And when the laws all dis-ap-pear,

We’ll have a gan-ja ball.

O, tidings of cookies and buds, cookies and buds,

O, tidings of cookies and buds.



Grab a copy of the Hempology 101 Cannabis Carols Here



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